Thursday, June 18, 2015

Being over 50 and grateful

Morning Pasture - oil on panel
6x9" click here to purchase
I loved the sentiments about gratefulness that Deanne Fitzpatrick chats about in her 'coffee with Deanne' clip that popped into my inbox today.(it's below)  I really identified. Now that I'm (eek!) nearly 59, I too, reflect on good things that I was too busy and too hurried to appreciate when I was younger.  Deanne is a Nova Scotia'n rug hooker.  Her delightful designs inspire me, even though I've never hooked rugs, so I signed up for her email updates.  I'm glad I did. I know I like her, and yet I've never met her.  Funny how that happens, call it the power of technology. I did buy a rug hooking tool and some burlap when i went to PEI with my friend Sherry to paint a few years back.  We had seen a terrific exhibition of rug hookers in a gallery in Summerside, and I got excited and bought the stuff needed to get started, but alas....never got around to it!  BUT, I'm not dead yet,  so I believe it will happen.

Time seems to be whizzing by lately. Painting time has been very sparse this month.  We are getting ready to put our house up for sale, so my head space for painting just isn't the same as usual.  I know it will come back when the dust settles.  Not painting for a while is not the end of the world.  I could stress about it, BUT I'm working instead on being grateful for all the good things in my life. Not hard really... my little grandaughter Ella is coming for a visit next week. Whoopee!


  1. Sally, I can't believe you're nearly 59! You look so young and vibrant!!
    I love "morning pasture"! So quintessentially Sally Chupick!!
    I also loved watching this clip - great to hear people speak from the heart - and such wise sentiments too!

  2. ha ha ha, thanks Wendy, what a nice compliment that you couldn't believe I'm nearly 59! Thanks for the sweet comment on "Morning Pasture". It sold at the art show on the weekend, along with the little sheep one posted below it. they kind of worked well as a pair, and the client couldn't decide which she preferred, so she bought both, which was very sweet of her. Glad you enjoyed Deanne's clip, she's an inspiration.


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