Thursday, May 29, 2014

rolling along...

I blocked in this painting on Monday, but only got back to working into it again, today. I began with a bright zingy permanent rose oil ground. It proved to be a nice base to work the tulips into, giving the white's more warmth. I focused on the overall pattern and was conscious of trying to find a warm balance between the foliage and individual flowers.  The top background shape(which in reality is a lake, but reads here only as a large horizontal) has changed many times while I painted... a soft green tone, then a lilac shade, a neutral, and now it currently reads more of a gold than anything else...I was looking for a tone that harmonized with the rest of the painting, but did not come forward.  It may yet change.   Now that I've posted this in it's half-way state, I see that the lampost to the right of the couple on the bicycle built for two is on the lean...ooops!...funny didn't notice that while I was painting!  Ah, I will fix it next session! 


  1. I love your descriptions and this looks wonderful now. I love what you do with colour.

    XOXOXOXO Barbara

  2. Amazing painting Sally. Looks like a beautiful spring field of flowers :)

  3. I am loving this new series Sally. I feel as if I am going on a wonderful journey with your cyclists.....

  4. I love these bike path paintings Sally - such a novel idea for a series. As Barbara said in her previous comment, you are a painter of joy!

  5. thanks Barbara...I left it alone for a day or two, and decided to finish it tonight...turned out I didn't do much more to it at all, so I'm calling er done! Sometimes it's hard to tell immediately after working on a painting whether to go further or not. I'm glad I waited, and had time to percolate it.

  6. thanks Sarah, yes it's been heaps of fun, a refreshing change for me...thanks for your comments in person.

  7. Hi Wendy, this series has been about joy for sure. When I'm unsettled or unhappy and want to paint I cant approach painting in the same way. I paint abstracts at those times.


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