Monday, February 23, 2015

return of the long lost gallery rental

'Drifting' - oil on canvas - 24 x 36
Today the nicest lady called me up and explained that she had been renting one of my paintings when the Agnes Etherington Art Rental and Sales Gallery closed down last summer.  There hadn't been any provision for paintings that were currently out on rental when the gallery closed (as we artists were led to believe) and I have been trying to find out where these paintings were for the past few months but to no avail.  Turns out this nice lady was trying also to give it back, but didn't know where to turn since the gallery closed down.  It's heart-warming to know that good people were trying to get it back to me, and today she tracked me down, and delivered it to my door.  Bless her.   'Drifting' is home.  I'm happy to have it back.  When I look at it I remember the  meditation and the work that went into it, it's kind of like seeing an old friend  after a long while.

I'm off to New York city this week with my friend AEmilia.  We are going to some galleries and to do a little retail therapy, maybe see a show too.  I'm looking forward to the change of pace.


  1. Goodness. I'm so glad it came back to you. It's a beauty.

    XOXOXOXO Barbara

  2. Beautiful story! Beautiful painting! Nice!
    Have a fun time in NYC!
    Will be looking for you on the Today show out on the plaza with a Canadian flag!

    1. ha ha Michael...dont think I'll be wasting any time on the plaza...much art looking to be done and so little time...

  3. I love the reflections in the water. Have a safe trip to NYC!!!

  4. Oh Sally, I'm so envious of your trip to New York! Have a wonderful time! Glad to hear that your beautiful painting was returned. Have just commented on a couple of your previous posts too. Have been very re-miss of late.

    1. thanks for dropping in Wendy, lovely to see you again and your beautiful Aussie paintings


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