Monday, March 10, 2014

new website direct sales

Gallery Perth is selling their business and will be closing at the end of April.  I've had work at Gallery Perth for about 5 years, and it's been a wonderful experience.  Veronica Airth is the owner, she's  promoted artists and been so supportive over the years. But she has decided to retire and it is time to sell her business.  She also runs a framing shop Perth Picture Framing.  The business is in a wonderful spot in Codes Mill,in the picturesque town of Perth, Ontario.   I know all of the artists will miss her greatly.
Gallery representation certainly doesn't come easily for most is a challenge doing the door knocking and requesting appointments to see busy gallery owners to promote work.   I dare say most artists dont like it one bit, we're a reclusive bunch who would rather be painting than marketing!
I've resisted direct selling from my website for years, because I wasn't sure how galleries would feel about that, but this month I made the decision that I will do what I can.  After all, the prices remain the same either way.  Why should I care more about what galleries think?   I have decided to add purchase buttons to my website in order to make it easy for people to buy if they like what they see.  
Of course, I am always open to contact and very happy to show work 'in person' to anyone who wants to see it.  Contact me anytime to make an appointment. 

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