Sunday, September 28, 2014

teaching also, is learn as you go

Acrylics demo 1 - 9 x 12"
I started teaching a session of studio classes this week.  I have to say it is always a learning curve for me as well.  I usually plan a short painting exercise focusing on an element that I feel is important, demo it, then encourage the class to try it out.  After that we work on a slightly larger painting project keeping in mind the principles from the short exercise. It's definately not a step by step guide to creating a set painting.  Each one is working on their own subject, but trying to follow the task at hand. 

Acrylics demo 2 - 9 x 12"
What I'm learning is that this method is good for some folks and works well when there is people in the same class working in a variety of mediums.  I think it can be a bit too challenging for some who are new to their chosen medium or who haven't painted in their chosen medium for a long time.  I forget that getting back up on the bicycle sometimes takes a little bit more attention to technique and method.  

oils demo 1 - work in progress
So that is going to be the challenge for me going into this week's class...finding a step up that is just right for each painter to encourage them in their efforts.  This Thursday's class will focus on colour mixing.  It's one of my favourite subjects, but there's a lot to it; I dont want it to become overwhelming. I do want it to be relevant; applied to the subject/project that each person is working on.

I am quite delighted to find out that teaching occasionally as I do seems actually quite good for my own art practice, in that it makes me more aware of sensitivities other than just my own. I learn to see subjects the way another person sees it, which is unique and equally valid.  Fresh insights opens up my own mind and way of working.


  1. Love your last few posts Sally! I imagine your students get so much from your sessions. Great to hear that you get so much out of it too. Thanks for all your support with my challenge!

  2. I bet that would be a fun class. You are so sensitive as a teacher.
    Great demos.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  3. Have just popped over again and can't believe I didn't comment on your demo....It's fabulous - love the looseness and atmosphere!
    I also had a peek on your other blog and saw the calendar you have produced! Fantastic! I bet they will sell like hotcakes! You are a real inspiration Sally!!
    Happy Birthday month!

  4. Ooops, maybe I should rest up a bit before I go commenting on people's blogs!
    I meant to say I love ALL your demos but I had been referring to acrylic demo 2 in particular!

  5. hi WEndy, thanks for dropping in, and congrats on finishing the challenge, it is an accomplishment to stick with something and complete it like that, what a good feeling! Thanks for the comment on the demo's. Class is quite fun.

  6. thanks Barbara. love that you're back on the blog again


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