Friday, September 27, 2013

Humming along

Things are humming along in my 'Time to Paint' classes. Yesterday we focused on colour theory a bit, and I gave a watercolour demo before the gang began their own paintings...Brenda, from the afternoon class took this picture, but also seemed to think my shoes needed a picture too!!...heh heh...funny girl. 

Kathleen, one of our class members from the morning session brought a yummy apple crisp freshly made and still warm, we shared it during coffee break, which was a special treat, and the afternoon class was very happy to share what was left for their break too!

Dunes - oil on panel - 8"x 6"
Here's another little plein air painting I did from the dunes and sand near the beach when I was in PEI mid September. 
I love September, it's  full of new changes to experience.  When my girls were growing up, the 'back to school' season always charged my batteries to begin my own new learning curve by signing up for classes of some sort or another.  This year, visiting PEI to paint, and starting teaching from my studio, were my 'new experiences' that have brought a happy change to my life.  O yes indeedy... I'm grateful.


  1. Sally I love your little plein air piece!! You've really got such a great loose style going on there!
    I feel very excited for you with your classes! Sounds like you - and your students are having a wonderful time.
    The Apple crisp sounded yummy!

  2. Oh your class looks like their having fun! I cant blame her for taking a picture of your You should have showed her your new boots! your the only one i know who can pull off red shoes/boots and have them look fun and fresh and not like Ronald McDonald. Love the plein air piece. Have a great time in NY. Xoxo

  3. what a lucky little group you have. sounds like it's a wonderful class.
    i know what you mean about september....i'm motivated and full of ideas. but i'm a little sad that i'm working while the last days of summer are blazing past.
    love the pei painting!!!

  4. Hi Wendy, thank you about the plein air piece, it was a pleasure to paint for sure! Thank you also for your shared enthusiasm about my classes.

  5. Holly,I'm sure there's a little Ronald Mcdonald in me somewhere...I guess as one gets older you just think life's too short not to try the colourful choices.

  6. Hi Annette, yes I know, it is sad that summer is waning, but getting started on new directions is always a bit exciting! your new quilts on etsy look wonderful:)


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