Friday, August 28, 2015

Fishing Anyone?

'Fishing Anyone?' - oil on panel
12 x 16 inch - $400
Another painting from the plein air painting weekend workshop a few weeks ago.  It's been in my studio on the shelf since then, waiting for a little time to consider what it might need to bring it to completion. It didn't take much.  Originally the darks/lights in the water reflections were a little jarring, so I worked on transitioning them a little smoother.  A bit of concentration on edges seemed to take care of it.  I was careful not to barge in like a bull in a china shop; because I really didn't want to destroy the spontaneous brushwork I had achieved which seems to be a hallmark of when I work outdoors. I used this limited palette: cerelean, ultramarine blue, burnt umber, indian yellow, cadmium yellow pale, white, and a tiny touch of cadmium red light. I was painting on a cadmium orange ground on the gessoed panel.


  1. Ooh, I really love this Sally! The green and brown hues are very opulent and atmospheric! Great reflections too!
    I'm so pleased for you that you sold your semi abstract piece recently! Sounds like you are in a great creative space right now!

  2. hi Wendy thanks for your enthusiastic comment, I really appreciate it. Definately starting to get back into the groove.


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