Thursday November 20th I will do a one day
workshop from 9:30am-4:30pm for acrylic painters in my studio. The fee
is $50 for the day, paid on arrival. The day is limited to a maximum
of 6 participants; 4 participants need to confirm for the workshop to go
ahead. Students bring their own painting supplies, table top easles
are provided. Confirm by Nov 15 by email or phone if you'd like to be included.
Lake Edge Sundown - acrylic |
There will be an acrylics painting demo in the
morning, plenty of class painting time, and 'one on ones'. Bring a
packed lunch, morning coffee and tea/ snacks are supplied. After lunch
we will have a 'group share' where you can bring along samples of 'art
that moves you' or pieces you're working on or have finished that you'd
like some feedback on. This may take 1/2 hour -1 hour, afterwards there
will be plenty more class painting time. If you are interested in
this workshop and would like more information, please don't hesitate to
call me at 613-531-4545